0086 19925487829
Solution Business Display Cha..
Business Display Channel Solutions

System Integrators: For various system integrators, with the help of the company's brand influence, complete business display product portfolio, and strong product customization and service capabilities, to meet customer solution needs.

Distributors: For various types of distributors, high-quality and cost-effective product combinations and good quality meet customer solution needs

Engineering companies: For engineering companies, meet customer solution requirements with high-quality and service

One-stop service experience, complete product solutions, highly integrated

Fast delivery speed, convenient service, and high regional brand awareness

Sound product system, high service and solution integrity

Do you need help?
We provide professional and thoughtful LED display screen technology consulting services, with 24-hour service response from all offices. We warmly welcome your inquiries
Contact Us

1205, Building D, Yufuju No.11, Lane 14, Tian New Village, Shangwu Community,Shiyan Street,Bao An District,Shenzhen,China

0086 19925487829


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