0086 19925487829
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Outdoor large screen solution
Brand information is perfectly presented to the target audience through large outdoor LED displays, ..
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Business Display Channel Solutions
System Integrators: For various system integrators, with the help of the company's brand influence, ..
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Standard billboard solutions
Digital advertising uses a variety of standard size outdoor LED displays to reach the audience with ..
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Business Display Terminal Solution
Brand merchants: mainly targeted at luxury goods, fast fashion, sports brands, technology companies,..
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Corporate events
Whether it's news conferences, product launches, forums, corporate annual meetings, cocktail parties..
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Meeting room solution
The control room is the core of implementing daily business management, decision-making, and emergen..
Do you need help?
We provide professional and thoughtful LED display screen technology consulting services, with 24-hour service response from all offices. We warmly welcome your inquiries
Contact Us

1205, Building D, Yufuju No.11, Lane 14, Tian New Village, Shangwu Community,Shiyan Street,Bao An District,Shenzhen,China

0086 19925487829


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